1.Giv personen de mere enkle materialer om emnet, og lad ham studere d oversættelse - 1.Giv personen de mere enkle materialer om emnet, og lad ham studere d Engelsk Sådan siger

1.Giv personen de mere enkle materi

1.Giv personen de mere enkle materialer om emnet, og lad ham studere dem, så han kender elementerne såsom "PTS" og "Suppressiv". Måske får han en cognition lige der og får det meget bedre. Det er sket.
2. Får ham til at tale om sygdommen, ulykken eller tilstanden, som han nu mener kan være resultatet af undertrykkelsen, uden at bore eller grave ret meget. Han vil som regel fortælle dig, at den er lige her og nu eller var der for kort tid siden, og vil være parat til at forklare, at den stammer fra hans nuværende omgivelser, eller nogle han var i for nylig. Hvis du lod det blive ved det, ville han bare blive en smule ulykkelig og ikke blive rask, da han sædvanligvis taler om et sent lock, der har en masse tidligere materiale under sig.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
1. give the person who will be the more simple materials on the subject, and let him study them, so he knows the elements such as "PTS" and "Suppressive". Maybe he gets a cognition right there and get it much better. It has happened.2. Get him to talk about the disease, accident or the condition, which he now believes may be the result of repression, without drilling or digging quite a lot. He will usually tell you that it is right here and now or was there a short time ago, and will be prepared to explain that it originates from his current surroundings, or some he was in recently. If you left it at that, he'd just be a bit unhappy and not be gay, since he usually talks about a late lock that has a lot of past material under it.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
1.Giv person the more simple materials on the subject, and let him study them, so he knows elements such as "PTS" and "Suppressive". Maybe he gets a cognition right there and feel much better. It's happened.
2nd Get him to talk about the illness, accident or condition which he believes may be the result of oppression, without drilling or digging much. He will usually tell you that it is right here and now, or was there a short time ago, and will be prepared to explain that it comes from his current location, or some he was in recently. If you leave it at that, he would just be a bit unhappy and not recover when he is usually talking about a late lock that has a lot of previous material under him.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
1.Give the person the more simple materials on the subject and let him study them, so he knows the elements such as "PTS" and "provides for suppressive". Perhaps he gets a cognition right there and get much better. This has been done.
2. Get him to talk about the disease, accident or condition, which he now believes to be the result of the repression, without drilling or digging very much. He will usually tell you,To the right here and now or was a short time ago, and will be prepared to explain that the comes from his current surroundings, or some he was in recently. If you left it at that, he would just be a little unfortunate and not be healthy, since he usually talks about a late lock, which has a lot of previous material below it.
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