Barsk disciplin kan give øjeblikkelig udførelse, men den kvæler initiativ. Bestemt disciplin er i sig selv et stabilt datum. Mennesker er ulykkelige i et område, der ikke er veldisciplineret, fordi de så ikke ved, hvor de står. Et område, hvor kun de, der prøver at gøre deres arbejde, bliver disciplineret, opfordrer flok til at gemme sig og være inaktive. Men al disciplin skal være baseret på sandhed og skal udelukke indgreb baseret på falske rapporter.
Derfor får vi et policy: Enhver falsk rapport, der fører til uretfærdig disciplinering af en anden, er en Forræderisk handling fra den person, der kommer med den falske rapport, og denne tilstand bør tildeles, og dens straf fuldt ud anvendes. En Tilstand af Tvivl bør tildeles enhver person, der accepterer og disciplinerer en anden uretfærdigt på grundlag af en rapport, der senere viser sig at være falsk.
Resultater (
Engelsk) 1:
Harsh discipline can provide immediate execution, but it stifles initiative. Particular discipline is in itself a stable datum. People are unhappy in an area which is not veldisciplineret, because they do not know where they stand. An area where only those who try to do their work, will be disciplined, urges flock to save weight and being inactive. But al discipline must be based on truth and should exclude intervention based on false reports.Therefore we get a policy: Any false report that leads to unfair disciplining of another, is a treacherous act by the person who comes with the false report, and this condition should be granted, and its punishment entirely used. A State of doubt should be awarded to any person who accepts and discipline another unfairly on the basis of a report that later turns out to be false.
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 2:
Harsh discipline can provide instant execution, but it stifles initiative. Particular discipline is in itself a stable datum. People are unhappy in an area that is not disciplined because they do not know where they stand. One area where only those who try to do their work, being disciplined, urges flock to hide and be inactive. But all discipline must be based on truth and must exclude interventions based on false reports.
Therefore, we get a policy: Any false report leading to unfair disciplining of another, is a Treacherous action by the person who comes with the false report and this state should be assigned, and its punishment is fully utilized. A Condition of Doubt should be granted to any person who accepts and discipline another unfairly on the basis of a report that later prove to be false.
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 3:
Harsh discipline can provide immediate execution, but it stifles initiative. Particular discipline is in itself a stable datum. People are unhappy in an area that is not disciplined, because they do not know where they stand. An area, where only those who are trying to do their work, will be disciplined, calls on flock to save themselves and be inactive.But all discipline must be based on truth and must exclude action based on false reports.
This is why we have a policy: any false report, which leads to unfair discipline of another, is a treacherous act from the person that comes up with the false report, and this condition should be given, and its punishment fully used. A state of doubt, should be given to any person,It accepts and disciplines another unfairly on the basis of a report that later proves to be false.
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