Har fundet ud af, hvor hårdt de

Har fundet ud af, hvor hårdt de "so

Har fundet ud af, hvor hårdt de "sorte" mennesker kan have idag også.
Med hensyn til i Amerika, hvor de har en lov om at man ikke må sælge stoffer, og hvis man har noget på sig ryger man i fængsel. Hvor straffen er meget høj. De skal side i fængsel i mange år, og i nogle tilfælde helt op til livstid. Det var specielt de "sorte" som solgte det, fordi de fleste var meget fattige, så de begyndte at sælge stoffer, for at tjene lidt penge ind.

Når de så kommer ud igen, er der mange ting de ikke kan gøre mere, de kan ikke stemme, de må ikke bo hjemme og de kan have rigtig svært ved at tage på en uddannelse.
Det amerikanske samfund, har sat en masse forhindringer i vejen for disse mennesker, de kan have svært at komme ud af det igen. Det er en ond cirkel som ikke kan standses. Samfundet vil have de skal tilpasse sig, og ikke mega kriminalitet, men alligevel gør de det svært for dem at komme videre med deres liv. Det virker dog også som om at politiet, går automatisk efter dem, og kan anholde dem når det passer dem agtigt.
Min mening er selfølgelig at man ikke skal sælge stoffer. Og de skal også straffes så de kan forstå de ikke skal gøre det igen, men synes det er ekstremt så længe de skal sidde i fængsel. Nogle af dem sidder længere tid i fængsel for at have kokain på sig, end vi gør i Danmark for at slå en person ihjel. Det er vildt at tænkte på.
Men måske giv dem 3-6 års fængsel, og så hjælpe dem når de kommer ud igen, og ikke sætte endnu tungere vægte på deres fødder, så de ikke kan komme videre. Og bare fortsætte i deres onde cirkel.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
Have found out how hard the "black" people may have today also. With regard to in America, where they have a law about that one must not sell drugs, and if you have anything on it you smoking in prison. Where the penalty is very high. They must hand in prison for many years, and in some cases even up to life imprisonment. It was especially the "black" which sold it, because most were very poor, so they began to sell drugs, to earn a little money. When they saw coming out again, there are many things they cannot do more, they cannot vote, they must not stay at home and they may have great difficulty in taking on an education. American society, have put a lot of obstacles in the way of these people, they can be hard to get out of it again. It is a vicious circle which can not be stopped. Society will have to adapt to, and not mega crime, yet they make it hard for them to get on with their lives. It works, however, also like the police, goes after them automatically, and can arrest them when it suits them like.My opinion is of course that we should not sell drugs. And they also have to be punished so they can understand they don't have to do it again, but think it's extremely as long as they'll be sitting in jail. Some of them are sitting longer time in prison for having cocaine on themselves than we do in Denmark to beat someone to death. It's wild to wondering.But maybe give them 3-6 years in prison, and so help them when they come out again, and do not put even heavier weights on their feet, so that they can not move forward. And just continue in their vicious circle.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
Has found out how hard the "black" people can have today too.
As for America, where they have a law that one must not sell drugs, and if you have something on the smoking you in jail. Where the penalty is very high. They must hand in jail for many years, and in some cases up to life imprisonment. It was especially the "black" which sold it because most were very poor, so they began to sell drugs, to earn some money. When they come back out, there are many things they can not do more, they can not vote, they can not stay at home and they can be really difficult to take an education. The American society has put a lot of obstacles in the way of these people, they may have difficulty getting out of it again. It is a vicious circle which can not be stopped. Society will have to adapt to, and not mega crime, yet they make it hard for them to get on with their lives. It seems, however, like the police, automatically goes after them, and can arrest them whenever they like. My opinion is ofcause that one should not sell drugs. And they must also be punished so that they understand they have to do it again, but thinks it is extremely as long as they have to sit in jail. Some of them are a long time in prison for cocaine on them than we do in Denmark to kill a person. It's crazy to wondering. But maybe give them 3-6 years in prison, and then help them when they come out again, and do not put even heavier weights on their feet so they can move forward. And just continue in their vicious circle.

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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
Have found out how hard the "black" people can have today also.
WITH REGARD TO in America, where they have a law on the need not to sell drugs, and if you have something to smoke in prison. Where the penalty is very high. They must hand in prison for many years, and in some cases completely up to life imprisonment. It was especially the "black" who sold it, because the majority was very poor,
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