Coast To Coast Jutland er et Road Trip fra den milde bøgeklædte Århusb oversættelse - Coast To Coast Jutland er et Road Trip fra den milde bøgeklædte Århusb Engelsk Sådan siger

Coast To Coast Jutland er et Road T

Coast To Coast Jutland er et Road Trip fra den milde bøgeklædte Århusbugt, gennem en sand perlerække af varieret Jysk natur, til afslutningen på den forblæste Vesterhavskyst. Undervejs vil du til fods, på cykel og i kano komme helt tæt på både naturen, dig selv og dine holdkammerater. Cykelruterne vil med meget få undtagelser være på småveje, grusveje og stier.

Turen er ikke et løb på en lukket bane, så derfor SKAL gældende færdselsregler overholdes, ligesom der tages hensyn til øvrig færdsel.

For at sikre alle kommer ud på hele ruten, vil der være poster fordelt på turen. Disse SKAL klippes og fremvises til kontrol ved mål i Viborg og Harboøre. Posterne vil ikke være afmærket på kort, men markeret tydeligt undervejs.

Løbet gennemføres i hold á 3 personer, som skal holde sig samlet under hele turen. Der er ikke krav til sammensætningen af holdet, som må blandes frit, køns, og aldersmæssigt. Alle deltagere skal være fyldt 18 år .
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
coast to coast jutland a road trip from mild beech-clad Aarhus Bay, through a sandy string of varied Jutland nature, to the end of the windswept North Sea coast. along the way you walk, bike and canoe get close to both nature, yourself and your teammates. bike paths do with very few exceptions, be on minor roads, dirt roads and trails.

the ride is not a race on a closed track, so I want the traffic rules are complied with, and taking into account elsewhere classified traffic.

to make sure everyone comes out on the entire route, there will be records broken on the trip. these should be cut and displayed in the control of goal in Viborg and Harboore. items will not be marked on the map, but clearly marked along the way.

During implemented in teams of 3 people who must stay together throughout the journey. there are no requirements as to the composition of the team, which may be mixed freely, gender, and age-wise. All participants must be 18 years of age.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
Coast To Coast Jutland is a Road Trip from the mild beech-clad Aarhus Bay, through a real string of varied nature, to the end of the Jysk windswept North Sea coast. Along the way you'll on foot, by bicycle and in kano get really close to nature, both yourself and your teammates. Cycling routes with very few exceptions will be on dirt roads and trails, småveje.

The trip is not a race on a closed circuit, so therefore applicable traffic rules MUST be respected, as well as taking into account other traffic.

in order to ensure all come out on the entire route, there will be records broken on the trip. These need to be clipped and presented for inspection at the goal in Viborg and Raheny. Entries will not be marked on the map, but clearly marked along the way.

The course is conducted in teams á 3 people should stick together during the entire trip. There are no requirements for the composition of the team, which must be mixed freely, gender, and to his or her age. All entrants must be aged 18 or over.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
Jutland coast To Coast is a road trip from the mild bøgeklædte Århusbugt, through a real wealth of varied Jutland-funen saloon car nature, to the end of the windswept Vesterhavskyst. En route you will on foot, bike and canoe come very close to the nature, yourself and your teammates. Bike routes, with very few exceptions be on outback roads, unpaved roads and paths.

The ride is not a race on a closed course, and so the traffic rules are complied with, as well as taking into account misc traffic.

to ensure everyone comes out of the entire route, there will be records broken down on the trip. These must be cut and presented for inspection by objectives in Viborg and Glasgow. The records will not be marked on your map, but clearly marked way.

The course shall be carried out in teams of 3 people, which need to be kept together throughout the journey. There is no requirement for the composition of the team, which must be mixed freely, gender, and aldersmæssigt. All entrants must be 18 years of age.
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