Bernie Sanders starter sin tale ud med at referere til sin egen barndo oversættelse - Bernie Sanders starter sin tale ud med at referere til sin egen barndo Engelsk Sådan siger

Bernie Sanders starter sin tale ud

Bernie Sanders starter sin tale ud med at referere til sin egen barndom som både barn og ung i Brooklyn. Han ser sig selv i mange af skolens nyligt graduerede studenter, og har selv studeret på Brooklyn College i et år. Han appellerer til publikums virkelighedsopfattelse, og giver udtryk for at han er klar over hvilke udfordringer og realiteter nogle af dem måske lever med. Han har altså et ben i begge lejre, den politiske og den almene borgers. Han formåede at opnå succes og rykke sig fra hvad der muligvis var hans forudbestemte fremtid, og er endt et sted hvor han kan gøre en forskel for folk som ham selv. Han ønsker at det Amerikanske politiske styre skal fokusere mere på lighed blandt alle borgere, og at magten ikke skal ligge hos de rige, men derimod hos dem som kæmper for hele befolkningen.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
Bernie Sanders starts his speech out to refer to his own childhood as both a child and teenager in Brooklyn. He sees himself in many of the school's newly graduated student, and have even studied at Brooklyn College for a year. He appeals to the public's perception of reality, and expresses that he is aware of the challenges and realities some of them might live with. He thus has a foot in both camps, the political and the general citizen. He managed to achieve success and move from what may have been his predetermined future and have ended up somewhere where he can make a difference for people like himself. He wants the American political system must focus more on equality among all citizens, and that power should not lie with the rich, but of those who are fighting for the whole population.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
Bernie Sanders starts his speech by referring to his own childhood as both a child and a young man in Brooklyn. He sees himself in many of the school's newly graduated students, and has himself studied at Brooklyn College for a year. He appeals to the audience's perception of reality and expresses that he is aware of the challenges and realities some of them might be living with, so he has a leg in both camps, the political and the general citizen. He managed to achieve success and move away from what was possibly his predetermined future, and has ended up in a place where he can make a difference to people like himself. He wants the US political regime to focus more on equality among all citizens, and that power should not lie with the rich, but with those who fight for the whole population.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
Bernie Sanders begins his speech by referring to his own childhood as both a child and a young man in Brooklyn. He sees himself in many of the school's recent graduates and has himself been studying at Brooklyn College for a year, appealing to the public's perception of reality and expressing awareness of the challenges and realities that some of them may face. So he has a leg in both camps, the political and the general public. He managed to achieve success and move away from what was possibly his predetermined future, and has ended up in a place where he can make a difference to people like himself. He wants the American political regime to focus more on equality among all citizens and that power should not lie with the rich, but with those who fight for the whole population.<br>
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