Mange scientologer skaber de tilstande, der i første omgang frembringe oversættelse - Mange scientologer skaber de tilstande, der i første omgang frembringe Engelsk Sådan siger

Mange scientologer skaber de tilsta

Mange scientologer skaber de tilstande, der i første omgang frembringer antagonisme, pga. deres misforståelser og forkerte anvendelse af Scientologi. Et par eksempler på, hvordan det gøres, er som følger:
Scientolog til mor: "Jeg ved, hvor du er på Toneskalaen - 1,1. Nej, hvor er du lusket!" (Evaluering og invalidering).
Far til scientolog: "Hør nu her, jeg vil ikke have, at du låner bilen igen uden min tilladelse. Jeg har sagt det til dig mange gange..."
Scientolog til far: "Okay! Fint! Okay! Godt! Tak! Jeg har forstået!" (Ikke en anerkendelse, men et forsøg på at lukke munden på faren).
Scientolog til ældre bror: "Du myrdede mig i et tidligere liv, dit svin!" (Evaluering og invalidering).
Mor til scientolog: "Hvad i alverden laver du?" Scientolog til mor: "Jeg prøver på at konfrontere din frygtelige bank." (Invalidering).
Der er så mange måder at misbruge teknologien på og destruktive måder at invalidere og evaluere for andre, der skaber forbigået ladning, ARC-brud og oprørtheder, at det ikke er muligt at opregne dem alle. Det er meningen, at man ikke skal gøre det. Hvorfor skabe besvær for dig selv og for dine medscientologer, når du ikke vil opnå andet end fjendskab.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
Many Scientologists creates the conditions that initially generates antagonism, pga. their misunderstandings and wrong use of Scientology. A few examples of how to do this are as follows:Scientologist to MOM: "I know where you are on the Tone scale-1.1. No, where are you sneaky! " (Evaluation and disablement).Father of Scientologist: "listen now here, I don't want that you lend the car again without my permission. I have said to you many times ... "Scientologist to the father: "Okay! Fine! Okay! Well! Thank You Very Much! I have understood! " (Not a recognition, but an attempt to silence the danger).Scientologist to older brother: "You murdered me in a past life, your pigs!" (Evaluation and disablement).Mother of Scientologist: "what on earth are you doing?" Scientologist to MOM: "I'm trying to confront your terrible bank." (Disablement).There are so many ways to take advantage of the technology on and destructive ways to cripple and evaluate for others who creates bypassed charge, ARC-bride and oprørtheder, that it is not possible to list them all. It is supposed that we should not do that. Why create hassles for yourself and for your medscientologer, when you're not going to achieve anything other than enmity.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
Many Scientologists are the conditions that initially produces antagonism due. Their misunderstanding and misapplication of Scientology. A few examples of how this is done is as follows:
Scientologists to the mother: "I know where you are on the Tone Scale - 1.1. No, where are you sneaky!" (Evaluation and disability).
Father of Scientologist: "Look, I do not want that you borrow the car again without my permission. I have told you many times ..."
Scientologists to Dad: "Okay! Fine! Okay! Great! Thank you! I understand! " (Not an acknowledgment, but an attempt to silence the danger).
Scientologists to older brother: "You murdered me in a past life, you bastard!" (Evaluation and disability).
Mother of Scientologist: "What on earth are you doing?" Scientologists to mom: "I try to confront your fears banking." (Disablement).
There are so many ways to abuse the technology and destructive ways to cripple and evaluate the people creating bypassed charge, ARC breaks and outraged entirety, it is not possible to list them all. It is intended that you should not do it. Why create problems for yourself and for your medscientologer when you will not achieve anything other than hostility.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
Many scientologer creates the conditions that in the first instance produces antagonism, because of their misunderstandings and incorrect application of Scientologi. A few examples of how it is done, is as follows:
Scientolog to mother: "I know where you are at Gamut - 1.1. No, where are you devious!" (evaluation and disablement) .
Father of scientolog: 'look here, I do not want to have,That you borrow the car again without my permission. I have said this to you many times ... "
Scientolog to dad: "Okay! Fine! Okay! Good! Thank you very much! I understand!" (not a recognition, but an attempt to close the mouth of the danger) .
Scientolog to older brother: "You murdered me in a former life, your pigs!" (evaluation and disablement) .
mother of scientolog: "What on earth do you mean?" Scientolog to mother:"I am trying to confront your terrible bank." (disablement) .
there are so many ways to take advantage of technology and destructive ways to disable and evaluate for other, which creates secret cargo, ARC-breaks and oprørtheder, that it is not possible to list all of them. It is the intention to not to do it. Why create trouble for yourself and for your medscientologer,When you do not want to achieve anything other than hostility.
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