Det handler om Macs liv - han er en sangskriver. Han lever et ulykkeli oversættelse - Det handler om Macs liv - han er en sangskriver. Han lever et ulykkeli Engelsk Sådan siger

Det handler om Macs liv - han er en

Det handler om Macs liv - han er en sangskriver. Han lever et ulykkeligt liv i Edinburgh, Skotland. Mac går til en pub for at mødes med sin gode ven Gorden som han ikke har set længe over 1 år, fordi hans gode ven bor og arbejder i Afrika, som en diamant udforskning. Henne ved pubben, deler de to gode venner gamle minder og hvordan deres liv ser ud nu. Mac bliver jaloux over Gordens liv, som han ikke har. Han synes Gordens liv er fuldt med overraskelser, spændende og et everentyrligt liv. Mac fortæller, at han er udtilfreds med sit ægteskab og hans job. Han synes, at hans job er kedeligt mens at ægteskabet var der ikke noget kemi længere.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
It's all about Macs life-he is a songwriter. He lives an unhappy life in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mac goes to a pub to meet up with his good friend Gorden as he has not seen for a long time over 1 year because his good friend living and working in Africa, as a diamond exploration. At the pub, the two good friends share old memories and how their life looks now. Mac will be jealous over Gordens life, as he does not have. He seems Gordens life is full of surprises, intriguing and a everentyrligt life. Mac says that he is dissatisfied with his marriage and his job. He thinks that his job is boring while the marriage there was no chemistry anymore.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
It's about Macs life - he's a songwriter. He lives an unhappy life in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mac goes to a pub to meet with his good friend Gorden whom he has not seen for a while over 1 year because his good friend living and working in Africa, like a diamond exploration. Over at the pub, they share two good friends old memories and what life looks like now. Mac gets jealous Gordens life, which he has not. He seems Gordens life is full of surprises, exciting and a everentyrligt life. Mac says he is udtilfreds with his marriage and his job. He thinks his job is boring but that marriage was no chemistry anymore.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
it's about mac's life - he is a lyricist. he lives a miserable life in edinburgh, scotland. mac go to a pub to meet with his good friend gordon as he has not seen for a long time over 1 year, because his good friend, live and work in africa, as a diamond exploration. back at the pub, share the two good friends old memories and how their life looks like now. the mac is jealous of gordens lifehe doesn't have. he thinks gordens life is full of surprises, exciting and a everentyrligt life. mac tells that he is udtilfreds with his marriage and his job. he thinks that his job is boring, while the marriage wasn't there something chemistry anymore.
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