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FAQQ: Hvilken cykel skal jeg bruge?


Q: Hvilken cykel skal jeg bruge?

A: Det er i princippet op til dig selv, hvilken cykel du benytter. Du skal blot huske på, at du SKAL benytte samme cykel på hele turen. Med kørsel på mountainbike spor, betyder det, at mountainbike i praksis bliver den cykel man vælger.

Q: Skal vi være 3 på et hold?

A: På grund af logistik med antal kanoer og kajakker, bliver vi nødt til at vælge man skal deltage på tremandshold. Ellers ville der simpelthen ikke være plads til deltagere nok. Sker der skader op til løbet, eller undervejs, må man dog gennemføre 2 mand. Der vil i disse tilfælde maximalt kunne tilbagebetales halvt deltagergebyr (alt efter tidspunkt for afbud).

Kan man ikke finde en tredie deltager, er det tilladt at deltage kun 2 personer. Dog betales der 975,- i deltagergebyr for den tredje person.

I særlige tilfælde, er det tilladt at medtage en fjerde deltager. Fjerde personen kan ikke deltage i kano eller kajakseljads, ligesom holdet ikke vil kunne opnå en officiel placering i top 5. Der betales deltagergebyr for alle fire deltagere.

Q: Jeg har ikke et hold hvad gør jeg?

A: Brug eventuelt vores facebookside til at komme i dialog med andre der står i samme situation og ikke kan samle et helt hold.

Q: Skal jeg bruge cykelhjelm?

A: Ja helt klart. Det er en del af det obligatoriske udstyr, som man ikke får lov at deltage foruden.

Q: Hvor lang tid tager det at gennemføre de enkelte dage?

A: Det kommer selvfølgelig helt an på din form. Vi kalkulerer med en max tid på 12 timer for dag et og 10,5 for dag to. Da det er første år vi gennemfører ruten dag 2, har vi dog ikke resultater her at støtte os til.

Q: Jeg ønsker at overnatte andetsteds end GIV. Må jeg det?

A: Det er helt klart tilladt at overnatte andre steder end GIV. Blandt andet er der vandrehjem meget tæt på GIV. Dog medfører det ikke rabat på tilmeldingsgebyret, hvis man ønsker at overnatte andetsteds.

Q: Hvornår på dagen skydes løbet i gang?

A: Starten går kl. 07.00 begge dage.

Q: Hvor meget oppakning skal jeg selv transportere med mig på cyklen?

A: Du skal selv transportere alt det du ønsker at have til rådighed undervejs i løbet. Øvrig oppakning vil blive transporteret til målområder af Coast To Coast.

Q: Hvad nu hvis jeg bliver syg eller skadet kan jeg få pengene refunderet eller kan en anden overtage min plads?

A: Se vilkårene for afbud eller ændring af deltagernavne.

Q: Hvad hvis en deltager udgår undervejs? Kan resten af holdet så gennemføre?

A: Ja, resten af holdet må godt gennemføre.

Q: Hvor skal vi møde før start i Aarhus

A: Præcise angivelser af tjekind og startområde, vil i god tid blive annonceret på hjemmesiden.

Q: Må jeg skifte hjul undervejs?

A: I princippet ja. Men skifter du mellem hjul til kørsel i skov og på landevej, SKAL du selv transportere skiftehjulene.

Q: Skal vi have rutekort eller kompas med?

A: Ruten bliver opmærket med svingskilte. Men da der altid er en risiko for, at skiltning kan overses, eller blive udsat for tyveri eller hærværk, er det vigtigt at medbringe kort/rutemateriale eller GPS, så du er i stand til at orientere dig i tilfælde af du ved fejl eller uheld forlader ruten.

Q: Hvad gør jeg med løbesko efter løbeturen (hvis du cykler med cykelsko)?

A: Der er 3 muligheder:

Medbring selv løbeskoene i en taske resten af turen (eller brug dem på almindelige pedaler)
Vent med at tjekke bagagen ind til efter løbeturen, og pak dem deri. Herefter tjekkes bagagen ind. Påregn eventuel kø ved tjekind af bagage.
Smid løbeskoene i quick dropoff i skiftezonen. Så vil Coast To Coast transportere dine løbesko til målområde. OBS: Aflevering af løbesko i Quick dropoff sker på eget ansvar.

Q: Må jeg køre med TRI bøjle

A: Af sikkerhedshensyn, har vi valgt ikke at tillade kørsel med TRI bøjle. Dette skyldes dels kørsel i skov samt kørsel i felter på landevejen.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]

q: what kind of bike do I need?

a: it is in principle up to you which bike you use. just remember that you must use the same bike on the whole trip. driving on mountain bike trail, this means that the bike in practice, the bike you choose.

q: we must be 3 on a team?

a: because of logistics with number of canoes and kayaks,we have to choose to be part of three-man teams. otherwise there would simply be no room for enough participants. there is damage to the race, or on the road, one must, however, carry 2 man. that in these cases a maximum be repaid half entry fee (depending on the time of cancellation).

you can not find a third participant is allowed to participate only 2 people.However, paid 975, - in the participation fee for the third person.

In special cases, it is permissible to include a fourth participant. fourth person can not participate in canoeing or kajakseljads, as the team is unable to obtain an official ranking in the top 5 paid participation fee for all four participants.

Q: I do not have a team what do I do?

a:you could even use our facebook page to enter into dialogue with others who face the same situation and can not put together a whole team.

q: do I need a helmet?

a: yes definitely. it is a part of the compulsory equipment that can not be allowed to participate without.

q: how long does it take to complete each day?

a: it comes of course all depends on your form.we expect a maximum time of 12 hours a day and 10.5 for day two. since this is the first year we conduct route day 2, we have not results here to support us.

Q: I want to spend the night elsewhere than give. Do I?

a: it is clearly allowed to spend the night elsewhere than give. among other things, that hostel very close to give. However, it does not imply a discount on the registration fee,if you want to stay elsewhere.

q: what time of day kicks race started?

a: start goes at. 07:00 both days.

Q: how much outings should I even carry with me on the bike?

A: to you to carry everything you want to have available during the race. Other outings will be transported to target areas of coast to coast.

Q:What if I get sick or injured can I get a refund or can someone else take my place?

a: see conditions for cancellation or change of participant names.

q: what if a participant is deleted along the way? the rest of the team so complete?

a: yes, the rest of the team may well implement.

q: where are we meeting before the start of Aarhus

a: precise details of tjekind Off Area,will in due course be announced on the website.

Q: Do I need to change the wheel on the way?

a: In principle, yes. but switch between wheels for driving in the woods or on the road, you have to carry change the wheels.

q: do we have the route map or compass?

a: route is tagged with swing tags. but since there is always a risk that signs can be overlooked, or be exposed to theft or vandalismit is important to bring maps / route material or GPS, so you are able to inform you in case you by mistake or accidentally leaving the route.

Q: What do I do with running shoes after your run (if you ride with cycling shoes)?

A: There are 3 options:

bring your own running shoes in a bag the rest of the trip (or use them on regular pedals)
wait to check luggage until after the runand wrap them in it. then checked their baggage. but expect any queues at tjekind of luggage.
throw running shoes in quick dropoff in the transition zone. then coast to coast transport your running shoes to target. attention: cross-training shoes in quick dropoff at your own risk.

q: can I drive with tri clamp

a: for security reasons, we have chosen not to allow driving with tri clamp.This is partly due to forest use and driving in the fields on the road.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]

Q: which bike should I use?

(A): in principle, it is up to yourself, what kind of bike you are using. You just need to remember that you must use the same bike on the entire trip. With driving on mountain bike tracks, it means that the mountain biking in practice will be the bike to choose.

Q: should we be 3 on a team?

a: due to logistics with number of canoes and kayaks, We will have to choose to participate in the three-man team. Otherwise there would simply not be space for attendees enough. Happens damage up to the race, or along the way, it must implement the 2 man. In these cases, the maximum will be reimbursed half participant fee (depending on the time of cancellation).

cannot be find a third participant, it shall be permitted to participate only 2 persons. However, paid-in the participating fee is 975, for the third person.

in special cases, it is permissible to include a fourth participant. Fourth person cannot participate in canoe or kajakseljads, as the team will not be able to obtain an official ranking in the top 5. Paid participation fees for all four participants.

Q: I don't have a team what do I do?

a: Use our Facebook page to enter into dialogue with others who are in the same situation and can not collect an entire team.

Q: do I need a helmet?

a: Yes definitely. It is part of the mandatory equipment that should not be allowed to participate in addition to.

Q: how long does it take to implement the individual days?

a: it comes of course entirely depends on your form. We calculate with a max time of 12 hours for day one and 10.5 for day two. Since this is the first year we implement route day 2, however, we do not have results here to support us to.

Q: I want to stay elsewhere than GIVE. I have it?

a: It is clearly permitted to stay overnight in places other than GIVE. Among others, there are hostels very close to GIVE. However, the results do not discount on the enrolment fee, If you want to spend the night elsewhere.

q: When on day kicks off the race in time?

a: early going at. 07: 00 both days.

q: how much my back should I even carry with me on the bike?

a: You must carry everything you want to have available during the race. Other loads will be transported to the target areas of Coast To Coast.

q: What if I get sick or injured, I can get the money refunded or can someone else take over my place?

A: see conditions for cancellation or change of participant names.

Q: What if a participant is deleted along the way? Can the rest of the team then implement?

A: Yes, the rest of the team may well implement.

Q: where are we meeting before start in Aarhus

(A): Precise indications of tjekind and launchbar, in good time will be announced on the website.

Q: Must I change the wheel along the way?

(A): in principle, Yes. But lets you choose between wheels to drive in the forest and on the road, you must carry change reels.

Q: should we have route map or compass with?

(A): the route will be marked with swing plates. But since there is always a risk that the signage can be overlooked, or be exposed to theft or vandalism, It is important to bring the map/route material or GPS, so you are able to inform you in case of errors or accidents you know leaving the route.

Q: What do I do with running shoes after running the trip (if you are cycling with cycling shoes)?

(A): there are 3 options:

bring your own running shoes in a bag the rest of the trip (or use them on regular pedals)
Wait with checking luggage into the after run, and wrap them therein. Then checked baggage into. Expect any queue at the tjekind of luggage.
Drop running shoes in the quick dropoff in change zone. So will Coast To Coast transport your running shoes to the target area. NOTE: delivery of running shoes in the Quick dropoff is at your own risk.

Q: Must I run with TRI clamp

(A): for security reasons, we have chosen not to allow driving with TRI hanger. This is partly due to driving in the forest as well as driving in fields on the road.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]

Q: What bike should I use?

A: in principle, it is up to you, the bike you are using. Just remember that you must use the same bike the whole trip. Driving on mountain bike track, it means that mountain biking in practice will be the bike you choose.

Q: should we be 3 on a team?

A: because of logistics with the number of canoes and kayaks,Will we have to choose to participate at three security guards. Otherwise, there would simply not be enough space for participants. There is damage up to the race, or on the road, however, we must implement 2 man. In these cases there will be reimbursed half maximum entrance fee (depending on time of Apologies for absence) .

you will not find a third party, it shall be permitted to participate only 2 persons.However, be paid to 975,- entrance fee for the third person.

in special cases, it is permissible to include a fourth participant. 4 The person may not participate in a canoe or kajakseljads, as the team will not be able to obtain an official position in the top 5. Paid entrance fee for all four participants.

Q: I do not have a team what do I do?

A:If necessary, use our facebookside to entering into a dialog with the other which is in the same situation and can put together a whole team.

Q: Should I use bicycle helmet?

A: Yes clearly. It is a part of the compulsory equipment, as they would not be allowed to participate in addition.

Q: How long will it take to complete the individual days?

A: It is of course up to your form.We anticipated with a max time of 12 hours for a day and 10.5 for day two. Since this is the first year we implement the route day 2, however, we have not results here to support us.

Q: I wish to spend elsewhere than give. I must it?

A: It is clearly allowed to stay anywhere other than give. Among others there is hostel very close to give. However, it does not give a discount to early registrations med by,If you want to stay elsewhere.

Q: at what time of day are shot during in time?

A: The Beginning yesterday 07:00 both days.

Q: How much item of luggage should I even carry with me on the bicycle?

A: You have to carry everything you want to have available as the race goes on. Misc item of luggage will be transported to areas of Coast To Coast.

Q:What if I get sick or injured i can get the money refunded or can a different take over my place?

A: See the conditions of Apologies for absence or change of participant names check box.

Q: What if a participant is under way? The rest of the team then implement?

A: Yes, the rest of the team must carry out good.

Q: How are we going to meet before starting in Aarhus

A: precise indications of jut and startområde,Will in good time will be announced on the website.

Q: Do I Change wheels along?

A: In principle yes. But you change between the wheel to drive in the forest and on the road, you will need to carry skiftehjulene.

Q: should we have route maps or compass with?

A: The route will be opmærket with svingskilte. But because there is always a risk of that signage can be ignored, or be exposed to theft or vandalism,It is important to bring your map/rutemateriale or GPS, so you are unable to notify you in the event of you in the event of a failure or accident leaves the route.

Q: What do I do with trainers after running or exercising at (if you bike with cycling shoes) ?

A: There are 3 possibilities:

bring løbeskoene in a bag the rest of the trip (or use them in general pedals)
wait to check the baggage into after running or exercising at,And unzip them therein. Then check the Baggage Check. Påregn any queue at check in storage.
throw løbeskoene in quick dropoff in skiftezonen. So will Coast To Coast transport your trainers to target range. NOTE: Delivery of trainers in Quick dropoff is at your own risk.

Q: Do I need to run with TRI bracket

A: For security reasons, we have chosen not to allow driving with TRI bracket.This is due, on the one hand, drive in the forest and drive in the fields on the road.
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