This paper deals with fedme og motion. Det er et stort problem, da flere og flere danskerne bliver overvægtige. Løsningen til at andre det er, sund kost og masser af motion. Ikke nok med det hjælper på vægten, hjælper det også på helbredet, da man kan få livsstilssygdomme, som hjerte-kar-sygdommen, forhøjet blodtryk, diabetes. Men det er ikke kun en byrde for personen selv men også for samfundet. Det koster samfundet mange penge og ressourcer.
For at finde de ting har jeg analyseret modeller, der fortæller noget om de forskellige faktorer, som spiller ind. Det kan være social arv, mangel på motion, kosten og det genetiske, men fastfood er også blevet en del af vores verden.
There is a powerful relationship between kost og motion. Men motion har en virkelig stor betydning. En af løsningerne kunne være motion på recept, ændringer i skolen, arbejde og hjemmene. Både i forhold til kost og motion
Livsstils sygdomme
Resultater (
Engelsk) 1:
This paper deals with obesity and exercise. It is a big problem, since more and more Danes become overweight. The solution to others it is, healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Not only it helps on weight, it also helps on health, since one can get lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes. But it is not only a burden on the person himself but also for society. It costs society a great deal of money and resources. To find the things I have analyzed models that tells something about the different factors that come into play. It can be social inheritance, lack of exercise, dietary and genetic, but fast food has also become a part of our world. There is a powerful relationship between diet and exercise. But the exercise has a really big impact. One of the solutions could be exercise on prescription, changes in school, work and home. Both in relation to diet and exerciseLifestyle diseases
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 2:
This paper deals with obesity and exercise. It is a major problem, as more and more Danes are overweight. The solution to others it is a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Not only it helps in weight, it also helps in health as one can get lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes. But it is not only a burden on the person himself but also for society. It costs society a lot of money and resources. To find the things I have analyzed the models that say something about the different factors that come into play. It may be social inheritance, lack of exercise, diet and genetic, but fast food has also become a part of our world. There is a powerful relationship mellem diet and exercise. But exercise has a really great importance. One of the solutions could be exercise on prescription, changes in school, work and home. Both in terms of diet and exercise Lifestyle diseases
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 3:
this paper deals with obesity and exercise. it is a big problem, as more and more danes become overweight. the solution to others is a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. not enough with the help of the weight, it helps also to health when you can get diseases of civilisation, as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes. but it is not only a burden to the person itself, but also for costs society a lot of money and resources.
to find the things i have analysed models that tells something about the various factors. it can be social legacy, lack of exercise, diet, and genetic, but fast food has also been a part of our world.
there is a powerful relationship between diet and exercise. but exercise is really of the solutions could be exercise prescription, changes in school, work and home. both in relation to diet and exercise and lifestyle diseases.
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