LEGO koncernen har i mange år kæmpet imod kopivarer, men gennem årene  oversættelse - LEGO koncernen har i mange år kæmpet imod kopivarer, men gennem årene  Engelsk Sådan siger

LEGO koncernen har i mange år kæmpe

LEGO koncernen har i mange år kæmpet imod kopivarer, men gennem årene har de været nødt til at give op, fordi det kinesiske kopimarked er så stort. Ebay og AliExpress som er to verdensomspændende e-handelssteder og auktionshuse sælger dagligt forfalskede LEGO produkter via deres hjemmeside. Dette har svækket LEGO’s omsætning, da mange har sparet penge ved at købe falske produkter på de to overnævnte hjemmesider.

LEGO bruger allerede sit eget logo samt emballage når de sælger deres produkter, for at garantere kunderne for at det er de rigtige produkter og ikke kopivarer. Selvom LEGO har patent på deres produkter samt varemærkebeskyttelse på deres logo og varemærke, er det stadig nemt for Ebay og AliExpress at sælge kopivarer fordi der på de kinesiske markeder er helt andre regler for kopivarer. For at sikre deres kunder om at deres produkter er de originale og ikke forfalsket produkter, kan LEGO benytte sig af E-mærket, som ikke kun gør det sikkert at handle på deres E-handel men også en garanti for at det er de originale vare kunderne modtager, fordi det netop skaber en tryghed hos kunden. LEGO skal fortsat opretholde og vedligeholde deres patent på deres produkter og hvem der har rettighederne til at producere deres produkter.

Når man skal investere i LEGO’s produkter er det mest oplagte helt sikkert at købe produkterne via LEGO’s egen e-handel, da det er det sikreste at gøre og det er her man kan forsikre sig om at man ikke modtager kopivarer. Hvis man vælger at købe LEGO’s produkter via andre virksomheder på nettet, kan man selv undersøge på nettet om det er en troværdig hjemmeside og læse anmeldelser om folk har modtaget de rigtige varer samt originale LEGO produkter. Man kan selv som kunde undersøge om produktet er en original når modtager den, dette kan man se på materialet som er brugt og på den måde som produktet er lavet på. Hvis man stiller en original vare op mod en forfalsket, er det ikke svært at se hvilken der er den originale.

For at LEGO kan forbedre deres markedsposition skal de først og fremmest sørge for at deres produkter ikke bliver kopiret. Dernæst skal LEGO koncernen fortsætte deres innovation af nye produkter samt vedligeholde den gode kvalitet på deres produkter. Forbrugerne tænker hele tiden i nye forbrugsmønstre og det vil givet en øget efterspørgsel, derfor er det en stor fordel for LEGO at gøre deres sortiment bredere.

LEGO skal altså vedligeholde deres patent på deres produkter og hvem der har rettighederne til at producere deres produkter, dette er også med til at forbedre deres markedsposition fordi de sikrer sig at produktion af kopivarer nedsættes men også fordi at kunderne forbliver trygge når de køber LEGO. Som kunde kan man selv sikre sig at det produkt man modtager er en original eller en kopi, samt tjekke hjemmesider inden køb af LEGO produkter.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
The LEGO Group has for many years campaigned against counterfeit goods, but over the years they have had to give up because the Chinese copy market is so large. EBay and AliExpress as are two worldwide e-commerce sites and auction houses selling daily counterfeit LEGO products via their website. This has weakened the LEGO's turnover, since many have saved money by buying counterfeit products on the two above mentioned websites. LEGO already uses its own logo and packaging when they sell their products, in order to guarantee clients that it is the right products and not counterfeit goods. Although LEGO have patents on their products as well as trademark protection on their logo and trademark, it's still easy for Ebay and AliExpress to sell counterfeit goods because at the Chinese markets are quite different rules for counterfeit goods. In order to assure their customers that their products are the original and not adulterated products, LEGO can take advantage of E-mark, which not only makes it safe to act on their E-commerce but also a guarantee that it is the original item customers receive, because that just creates a peace of mind with the customer. LEGO must continue to uphold and maintain their patents on their products and who has the rights to produce their products.When it comes to investing in LEGO's products are the most obvious quite safe to buy products via LEGO's own e-commerce, as it is the safest to do and it is here to ensure that you do not receive the counterfeit goods. If you choose to buy LEGO's products via other companies on the Web, one can even examine on the net about it is a credible website and read the reviews about people have received the correct items as well as original LEGO products. You can even check on the product as a customer is an original when it receives, this one can look at the material which is used and on the way in which the product is made of. If one makes an original item up against a counterfeit, it is not hard to see which one is the original. For that LEGO can improve their market position they must first and foremost ensure that their products will not be kopiret. Next, the LEGO Group continue their innovation of new products as well as maintain the good quality of their products. Consumers are thinking all the time in the new consumption patterns and it will given an increased demand, therefore it is a great advantage for LEGO to make their assortment wider. LEGO must therefore maintain their patents on their products and who has the rights to produce their products, this also helps to improve their market position because they ensure that the production of counterfeit goods is reduced but also because that customers remain safe when they buy LEGO. As a customer you can ensure that the product you receive is an original or a copy, as well as check websites before purchasing LEGO products.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
LEGO Group has for many years fought against counterfeit goods, but through the years they have had to give up because the Chinese copy market is so large. Ebay and AliExpress are two global e-commerce sites and auction houses selling daily counterfeit LEGO products through their website. This has weakened LEGO's revenue, since many have saved money by buying fake products of the two above mentioned websites. LEGO is already using its own logo and packaging when they sell their products to assure customers that it is the right products and not counterfeit goods . Although LEGO has patents on their products as well as trademark protection on their logo and trademark, it's still easy for Ebay and AliExpress sell fake goods because at the Chinese markets are completely different rules for counterfeit goods. To ensure their customers that their products are genuine and not counterfeit products, LEGO advantage of E-mark, which not only makes it safe to shop on their E-commerce but also a guarantee that these are the original movement customers receive, because it just creates a sense of security by the customer. LEGO must continue to sustain and maintain their patents on their products and who has the rights to produce their products. When you have to invest in LEGO's products are the most obvious certainly to purchase products via LEGO's own e-commerce, as it is the safest to do and this is where you can verify that you are not receiving counterfeit goods. If you choose to buy LEGO products through other companies on the web, you can even look online if it is a trustworthy site and read reviews about people received the right products and original LEGO products. One can even who could examine whether the product is an original when receiving it, this one can look at the material that is used and the way the product is made ​​of. If you place an original product against a fake, it's not hard to see which one is the original. For that LEGO can improve their market position, they must first of all make sure that their products will not be Copied. Next, the LEGO Group will continue its innovation of new products and maintain the good quality of their products. Consumers are always thinking of new consumption patterns and it will generated increased demand, therefore it is a great advantage for LEGO to make their range wider. LEGO must therefore maintain their patents on their products and who has the rights to produce their products, this is also helping to improve their market position because they ensure that the production of counterfeit goods is reduced but also because that customers remain safe when buying LEGO. As a customer, you can even ensure that the product you receive is an original or a copy, as well as check out websites before purchasing the LEGO products.

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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
LEGO group has for many years been fighting against want, but over the years, you have had to give up, because the Chinese kopimarked is so large. Ebay and AliExpress as are two global e-commerce sites, and auction houses sell daily counterfeit LEGO products via their website. This has weakened LEGO's turnover,As many have saved money by buying counterfeit products on the two above sites.

LEGO already uses its own logo and packaging when they sell their products, in order to provide its customers to it is the right products and not want. Although LEGO has patents on their products, as well as their marks on their logo and trademark,It is still easy for Ebay and AliExpress want to sell because of the Chinese markets are entirely different rules for want. In order to ensure their customers that their products are the original and not counterfeit products, LEGO take advantage of E-mark, which is not only makes it safe to act on their E-commerce but also to guarantee that it is the original product customers receive,Because it creates a security to the customer. LEGO should continue to maintain and maintain their patents on their products and who has rights to produce their products.

when you have to invest in the LEGO's products are the most obvious completely safe to buy products via LEGO's own e-commerce,Since it is the safest to do and it is here you can assure itself that you do not want receive. If you choose to buy LEGO's products through other businesses on the Internet, you can even check on the web if it is a credible website and read reviews of people have received the right parts and original LEGO products.You can yourself as a customer check whether the product is an original when receive it, this you can see on the material that is used and on the way in which the product is made of. If you make an original part up against a counterfeit, it is not difficult to see which is the original.

To LEGO can improve their market position, the first and foremost, make sure that their products are not kopiret. Secondly, LEGO group continue their innovation of new products, and to maintain the good quality of their products. Consumers are thinking all the time of new consumption patterns and it will given an increasing demand,That is why it is a great advantage for LEGO to make their range wider.

LEGO must therefore maintain their patents on their products and who has rights to produce their products, this also helps to improve their market position because they will ensure that the production of want is reduced but also because customers to remain safe when they buy LEGO.As a customer you can even make sure that the product you receive is an original or a copy, and check websites before purchase of LEGO products.
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