Når lederen disciplinerer,interesserer han sig for dem,der vil stoppe  oversættelse - Når lederen disciplinerer,interesserer han sig for dem,der vil stoppe  Engelsk Sådan siger

Når lederen disciplinerer,interesse

Når lederen disciplinerer,interesserer han sig for dem,der vil stoppe eller blokere strømmen,og dem der bare er dovne eller dumme. Så han er omhyggelig med at holde sig fra alle upstats og reagerer kun for at fjerne de suppressive fra linjerne og forhindre de dovne og dumme i at bremse strømmen. En leder ville aldrig kunne ændre verden med disciplin alene. Han kan gøre det med auditering. Så han bruger kun disciplin til at fortsætte med at gøre auditering mulig. Så enkelt er det.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
When the head discipline, interest himself for those who want to stop or block the flow, and those who just are lazy or stupid. So he is careful to stay away from all upstats and responds only to remove the suppressive from lines and prevent the lazy and stupid in slowing the flow. A leader would never be able to change the world with discipline alone. He can do it with auditing. So he only uses the discipline to continue to do auditing possible. As simple as that.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
When the manager discipline, he takes an interest for those who want to stop or block the flow, and those who just are lazy or stupid. So he is careful to stay away from all upstats and responds only to remove the suppressive from the lines and prevent the lazy and stupid in stemming the flow. A leader would never be able to change the world with discipline alone. He can do it with auditing. So he uses only the discipline to continue to make auditing possible. It is that simple.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
When the leader disciplines,he taking an interest in them,that will stop or block the flow,and those who are just lazy or stupid. So he is careful to keep themselves from all upstats and only react to remove the suppressive from the lines and prevent the lazy and stupid to brake power. A leader would never be able to change the world with discipline alone. He can do it for audit.So he only uses discipline to continue to make available for audit. It is that simple.
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