SAS, Scandinavian Airlines System, er den største flyselskab i skandin oversættelse - SAS, Scandinavian Airlines System, er den største flyselskab i skandin Engelsk Sådan siger

SAS, Scandinavian Airlines System,

SAS, Scandinavian Airlines System, er den største flyselskab i skandinavisk.
Det er den nationale luftfartselskab for Danmark, Norge og Sverige. SAS blev oprettet i 1946 som et konsortium af det Danske luftfartsselskab DDL, det Norske luftfartsselskab DNL og det Svensk Interkontinental lufttrafik AB SILA.
I de seneste år, har SAS haft nedgang med deres økonomi, da man har mistede nogle af sine primære kunder. Det ligger bage at man har haft fald på segmentet af business folk.
Det har derfor efterladt SAS i sådan situation, hvor man skal foretage sig nogle justeringer af konceptet.
Analysen af den ene reklame er med til at vise, at SAS henvender sig til en bredere målgruppe end den man har haft i virksomheden.

SAS forsætter stadige med det begreb virksomhed, men de har ændret lidt til at være en billigere flyrejse end den normale. Alt det her har været med til at sætte SAS en en beklumret situation midt i branchen.
Jeg har i min opgave analyseret reklame fra SAS og deres promotion parameteren i relation til målgruppen, som gave mig deres præcise målgruppe, hos SAS.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
SAS, Scandinavian Airlines System, is the largest airline in Scandinavian. It is the national airline for Denmark, Norway and Sweden. SAS was created in 1946 as a consortium of the Danish airline DDL, the Norwegian airline DNL and the Swedish Intercontinental air traffic AB SILA.In recent years, SAS had decline with their economy, as it has lost some of its primary customers. It is baking that you have had the drop on the segment of business people. It has therefore left SAS in such a situation, where you have to make some adjustments to the concept. Analysis of the one advertising helps to demonstrate that SAS is aimed at a wider audience than it has had in the company. SAS continues steady with the concept of business, but they have changed slightly to be a cheaper flight than normal. All this has helped to put the SAS a a stuffy situation in the heart of the industry. I have in my task analyzed advertising from SAS and their promotion parameter in relation to the target group, as a gift to me their precise audience, with SAS.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
SAS Scandinavian Airlines System, is the largest airline in Scandinavia.
It is the national airline for Denmark, Norway and Sweden. SAS was created in 1946 as a consortium of the Danish airline DDL, the Norwegian airline DNL and the Swedish Intercontinental air traffic AB SILA.
In recent years, SAS has experienced a decline in their economy, as it has lost some of its main customers. It lies baking that had fall on the segment of business people.
It has left the SAS in such a situation where you have to do some adjustments to the concept.
The analysis of one advertising helps to show that SAS addresses a wider audience than they have had in the company. SAS continues steady with the concept of business, but they have changed slightly to be a cheaper flight than normal. All this has helped to set the SAS one one stuffy situation in the middle of the industry. I have my task analyzed advertising from SAS and their promotion parameter in relation to the target audience, which gave me their exact audience at SAS.

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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
sas scandinavian airlines system, is the largest airline in scandinavian. it is the national airline of denmark, norway and sweden. sas was established in 1946 as a consortium of the danish airline ddl, the norwegian airline dnl and the swedish intercontinental air traffic ab sila. in recent years, sas had decrease with their economywhen you have lost some of its primary customers. it is bake have we had decrease of segment of business people. it has therefore left the sas in situation like this, where you have to make some adjustments of the concept. the analysis of the one advertising is to show that the sas addressing a wider audience than they have had in the company.
sas keep constant with the concept of business, but they have changed a little bit to be a cheaper flight than the normal. all this has helped to put sas a stuffy position in the industry. i have in my task analyzed advertising from sas and their promotion parameter in relation to the target group which gave me their precise target group in sas.
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