Mange danskere taler bedre engelsk end tysk.Danskerne bliver i gennems oversættelse - Mange danskere taler bedre engelsk end tysk.Danskerne bliver i gennems Engelsk Sådan siger

Mange danskere taler bedre engelsk

Mange danskere taler bedre engelsk end tysk.
Danskerne bliver i gennemsnit ældre og ældre.
Det vanskeligste arbejde er ofte det interessanteste.
Den største diamant kostede mindre, end sheiken troede.
Der var længere til den nærmeste købmand, end de havde forventet.
Jeg er ældre end min bror, men han er 30 centimeter højere end mig.
Patientens tilstand blev værre efter operationen.
Det mindste, du kan gøre, er at sende et julekort til hende.
Familien boede i den værste slum i byen, værre, end du kan forestille dig.
Dette er det sidste kamera, vi har af denne model, og det er også sidste model.

Familien slog sig ned i en mindre by i midtvesten.
Han har flere gange været i vanskeligheder med politiet. Flere gange end du?
Byen havde kun en mindre park, og den var sandelig mindre end de fleste parker.
Han er et værre fjols, men han er en dygtig forretningsmænd.
Min far måtte sælge sin går og købe en mindre, da han blev mindre.
Hans brækkede ben skyldtes et mindre uheld.
Vores yacht kostede en større sum penge, men så er den også større end jeres.
Vi blev modtaget af en ældre herre og to større hunde.

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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
Many Danes speak better English than German.
the Danes will be on average older and older.
the most difficult work is often interesting to watch it.
The largest diamond cost less than sheiken thought.
There was further to the nearest grocery store, than they had expected.
I am older than my brother, but he is 30 centimeters higher than me.
the patient's condition became worse after surgery.
at least, You can do is to send a Christmas card to her.
family lived in the worst slums in the city, worse than you can imagine.
This is the last camera, we have for this model, and it is also the last model.

Family settled in a small town in the Midwest.
He has several times been in trouble with the police. More times than you?
city had only a small park, and it was certainly less than most parks.
He is a worse fool, but he is a skilled business men.
My father had to sell his go and buy a minor when he was less His broken legs were due.
one small accident.
Our yacht cost a larger sum of money, but it's also bigger than yours.
We were received by an elderly gentleman and two larger dogs.

bliver oversat, vent venligst..
Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
Many Danes speak better English than German.
Danes are on average older.
most difficult work is often the most interesting.
, the largest diamond cost less than the sheik thought.
, there was further to the nearest grocery store than they had expected.
I'm older than my brother, but he is 30 inches taller than me.
patient's condition worsened after surgery.
, the least you can do is to send a card to her.
family lived in the worst slums in the city, worse than you can imagine you.
This is the last camera we have this model, and it is also the last model. family settled in a small town in the Midwest. several occasions he has been in trouble with the police. More times than you? town had only a small park, and it was certainly less than most parks. , he is a worse fool, but he is an accomplished business men. My father had to sell his go and buy a smaller, when he was less . His broken leg was caused by a minor accident. Our yacht cost a large sum of money, but then it is also bigger than yours. We were greeted by an older gentleman and two large dogs.

bliver oversat, vent venligst..
Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
Many Danes speak better English than German.
the Danes are on average older and older.
the most difficult work is often the interessanteste.
the largest diamond cost less than sheiken thought.
it was longer to the nearest grocery store, than they had expected.
i is older than my brother, but he is 30 centimeters higher than me.
patient's condition became worse after the operation.
at least,You can do, is to send a Christmas card to her.
the family lived in the worst slum in the city, worse than you can imagine.
this is the last camera, we have this model, and it is also the last model.

The Family settled in a small town in the Midwest.
he has several times been in difficulties with the police. More times than you?
the city had only a small park,And it was certainly less than most parks.
he is a worse fool, but he is a talented businessmen.
my father had to sell his yesterday and buy a smaller, when he was less.
his broken bones due to a small accident.
our yacht cost a larger sum of money, but then it is also greater than your.
we were received by an elderly gentleman and two larger dogs.

bliver oversat, vent venligst..
Andre sprog
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