Resultater (
Engelsk) 3:
The strategic analysis has been drawn up by the SAS' external and internal situation, to look at how these have affected SAS' future value creation.
to the external analysis PESTEL is used to shed light on the external factors that affect SAS.The airline industry is not particularly attractive and intensity is relatively high. The relatively high indtrængningsbarrierer to enter the market, unless you have a large starting capital or lease aircraft. The ticket price is of vital importance and that is why buyers have a high bargaining power, since they are in a too high price is relatively easy to substitute to other products.Then use the model Porter"Five forces in order to shed more light on SAS' external competitive position as well as their own positioning in luftbranchen.
To the internal analysis is applied Porter"value chain. This is used to shed light on the competitive advantages SAS, in their value chain. The strategic analysis should be rounded off with a collection of a SWOT analysis,Where the essential points from the internal and external analysis is highlighted. Regnskabsanalysen shall be established through an amendment and a cost-benefit analysis. The strategic analysis is to provide the basis for the future budget of SAS. Budgeting is the basis for the valuation of SAS, which is done by using the discounted cash flow (DCF) model.
PESTEL analysis made it clear that SAS has until now been very much dependent on the fact that they are 50% state-owned and that this ownership in future will also be of great importance, in particular in financial difficulties. The high oil prices which are very difficult to predict, resulting in high costs for fuel and it is the area which SAS has very large focus, so you can reduce costs in this area.Competition in the airline industry has increased substantially and the development of technology has, inter alia, led to easier and faster aircraft, which can help to reduce costs for the airlines. The SAS is the positive, that since 2010 there has been growth in passenger revenue, which is a trend, which can be very valuable for SAS.
Porter"Five Forces analysis made it clear,The airline industry is not particularly attractive and intensity is relatively high. The relatively high indtrængningsbarrierer to enter the market, unless you have a large starting capital or lease aircraft. The ticket price is of vital importance and that is why buyers have a high bargaining power, since they are in a too high price is relatively easy to substitute to other products.Suppliers' bargaining power is high and rivalry in the industry is very strong. Overall, it should be noted that it is necessary to have a very strong economy in order to be able to cope in the airline industry.
Based on the analysis of Porter"value chain, it is considered that there are some factors and internal resources which have significant implications for SAS opportunities for future profits. It is resources,First and foremost, gives them the opportunities to differentiate themselves from the competition. The eurobonusprogram is in high growth measured on number of members, the wide route network and their stability on punctuality also gives them unique opportunities across from its competitors.
in order to be profitable, SAS will be reduced labor costs and fuel costs further,Which you have also focused on the reduction of staff, as well as fuel-efficient development programs.
The strategic analysis has led to the SAS, as nænt above some of the essential forces, which gives it good opportunities for future income. SAS'S main weakness is its poor economy in relation to competitors, because of the very high costs.
Regnskabsanalysen is carried out in order to assess SAS'S historic performance in the last 5 years (2009-2013), in order to see development in the financial værdidrivere through analysis period. There is made by reformuleringer egenkapitalopgørelsen, balance sheet and profit and loss account.
From the reformulerede inventories, there is produced a cost-benefit analysis on the basis of the extended Dupont model.Profitability analysis clearly shows that SAS in recent years have been in financial difficulties. Key metrics, however, has had a positive development in the last few years, which suggests that the development is going in the right direction. Egenkapitalforretningen (ROE) gave a positive result in 2012/2013 after that have been negative for many years, which also applies to return on investment (ROI) (ROIC).The effect of the financial leverage, however, were negative, which means that overall, it has not had a positive impact on ROE. While AOH has remained stable, overskudgraden clearly shows the high operating costs in SAS, where labor costs and other operating costs account for a large proportion of turnover. Overall, it seems that SAS is to have turned pointlessly weighing down,Since the development of the financial værdidrivere is pointing in a positive direction.
On the basis of the strategic analysis, has developed a budgeting of SAS' future development. Budget period of 5 years will show a positive development in sales and costs. In terms of the SAS during the financial period creates a positive operating profit after tax.Although there are budgeted on the basis of the preceding analysis, it can not be avoided with subjective assessments.
From the above analysis is the valuation of SAS carried out on the basis of DCF-model. As a result, SAS value per share is at 17.04. Market rate per 11.21.2014 indicates a share price of 13.70 SEK. From this it can be concluded,
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