Det andet tema ting under overfladen, spiller også en stor rolle, I no oversættelse - Det andet tema ting under overfladen, spiller også en stor rolle, I no Engelsk Sådan siger

Det andet tema ting under overflade

Det andet tema ting under overfladen, spiller også en stor rolle, I novellen, fordi der er så mange ting som foregår under overfladen. Såsom problemerne forældrene har. De problemer forældre har behandles ikke direkte I historien. Det nævnes at “Mr. og Mrs Pichowsky” plejer at leve på gaden, men blev skilt og flyttede væk. Marla drilled Dawn med at det var deres forældre det ville ske foren dag. Dawn er næste 100 procent sikker på hendes vil blive sklit. I sidste ende hører vi moren sige at det var god than gjorde noget han elskede, selvom det var ude på søen, men Dawn husker at moren havde været vred fordi de tog til søren uden for sæsonen. Den måde faren død er meget symbolsk på I forhold til at han holdt sig meget under overfladen, ligesom forældrenes problemer. Moren holder også sine følelser under overfladen, da ikke vil nævne det foran børnene og bare skjuler det. Moren har formentlig brug for nogle at snakke med omkring hendes følelse og hjertesorg hun har efter tabet af mand og barn. I sidste ende giver Dawn udtryk for at hun venter på at hendes mor vil sige noget, men det gør moren aldrig
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
The second theme things beneath the surface, also plays a major role in the short story, because there are so many things that take place below the surface. Such as the problems parents have. The problems parents have not dealt with directly in the story. It mentions that "Mr. and Mrs. Pichowsky" tend to live on the street, but was divorced and moved away. Marla drilled Dawn with that it was their parents it would be Union day. Dawn is 100 percent sure of her next will be sklit. In the end, we hear his mother say that it was good than doing something he loved, even though it was out on the Lake, but Dawn remembers that his mother had been angry because they went to Sam out of season. This way the danger of death is very symbolic in relation to he remained much below the surface, just like their parents ' problems. His mother also keeps his feelings under the surface, as do not want to mention it in front of the kids and just hide it. The mother has probably needs some to talk with about her feelings and heartache she has after the loss of husband and child. In the end, gives Dawn an expression of that she is waiting for her mother to say something, but it makes the mother never
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
The second theme things under the surface, also plays a big role in the story, because there are so many things going on beneath the surface. Such problems parents. The problems parents have not dealt with directly in the story. It is mentioned that "Mr. and Mrs. Pichowsky "tend to live on the street, but were divorced and moved away. Marla teased Dawn with that it was their parents it would happen unite today. Dawn nearly 100 percent sure of her will be sklit. In the end, we hear the mother say that it was good than doing something he loved, even though it was out on the lake, but Dawn remembers that her mother had been angry because they went to søren out of season. The way the danger death is very symbolic of the relationship that he remained much below the surface, like parents' problems. The mother also keeps his emotions under the surface when not mention it in front of the children and just hides it. The mother probably need someone to talk to about her feelings and heartache she has after the loss of her husband and child. In the end, Dawn expresses that she is waiting for her mother to say something, but it makes the mother never
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
the second theme things below the surface, also plays a major role in the novel, because there are so many things going on under the surface. such as the problems parents. the problems parents have not dealt with directly in the story. it mentions that "mr. and mrs. pichowsky" used to live on the streets, but were divorced and moved away. marla drilled dawn with it was their parents this would happen one day. dawn's next 100 percent sure of her will be sklit. ultimately, we hear the mother say it was good than did something he loved, even though it was out on the lake, but dawn remember that his mother had been angry because they went to heck out of season. the way the father dead is highly symbolic in relation to he remained much below the surface, like parents' problems. the mother also keep her feelings under the surface, when will not mention it in front of the kids and just hides it. the mother has probably need someone to talk to about her feeling and heartache she has after the loss of her husband and child. ultimately gives dawn expresses that she is waiting for her mother will say anything, but it makes the mother never
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