en ven, der varsomt minder en om, at man ikke skal vente til i morgen med at gøre det, man har lyst til at gøre - så kan man muligvis lære at leve sit liv, i stedet for bevidstløst at passere gennem det.”
a friend, who gently reminds one of that one does not have to wait until tomorrow to do what you want to do-so can we possibly learn to live his life, instead of unconscious to pass through it. "
a friend who gently reminds one of that one must not wait for tomorrow to do what you want to do - then you can possibly learn to live his life, instead of mindlessly pass through it. "
a friend who gently remind you that you should not wait till tomorrow to do what you want to do - then you can potentially learn to live his life, instead of unconsciously to pass through it. "