Vi har konstateret i vores validerings check, at der for nogle Faktabu oversættelse - Vi har konstateret i vores validerings check, at der for nogle Faktabu Engelsk Sådan siger

Vi har konstateret i vores valideri

Vi har konstateret i vores validerings check, at der for nogle Fakta
butikker, ser ud til at mangle omsætning i den *uge 39* salgsfil vi modtog
i tirsdags -> *ACN-DATA-SALG.TXT*

Filen uploades hver dag til vores FTP server og den vi modtager tirsdag i
ugen er den endelige og komplette fil.

Vi er nu i en nødsituation, hvor vi ikke kan komme videre i vores
produktion, før vi har modtaget de rigtige Fakta omsætningstal for uge 39.

Ifølge Troels er problemet løst for uge 39 tallene, så kunne vi få jer til
så hurtigt som muligt at sende/uploade os en ny komplet *ACN-DATA-SALG.TXT*

Hvis det kan lette arbejdet og speede processen op, kan vi godt nøjes med
kun at få gensendt
de RIGTIGE Fakta uge 39 tal.
Fra: -
Til: -
Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
We have found in our validation check that for some factsshops, seems to have no circulation in the * 39 * salgsfil week we receivedon Tuesday-> * ACN-DATA-sales. TXT *The file is uploaded each day to our FTP server and we receive on Tuesday inthe week is the final and complete file.We are now in an emergency situation where we cannot move forward in ourproduction until we have received the right Facts turnovers for week 39.According to Troels is the problem solved for week 39 figures, so we could get you toas soon as possible to send/upload us a new complete * ACN-DATA-sales. TXT *?If it can facilitate and accelerate the process up, we can make do withonly to get resubmitthe REAL Facts week 39 figures.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
We have found in our validation check, that for some Fact
shops, seems to be missing revenue in the * Week 39 * salgsfil we received
on Tuesday -> * ACN-DATA-SALG.TXT *

The file is uploaded every day to our FTP server and we receive Tuesday of
the week is the final and complete file.

we are now in an emergency situation where we can not move forward in our
production, until we have received the correct facts turnovers for week 39.

According to Troels problem is solved for week 39 numbers, so we could make you
as soon as possible to send / upload us a new full * ACN-DATA-SALG.TXT *

If it can facilitate and speed up the process, we can be content with
just getting resent
the REAL Facts week 39 numbers.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
we have observed in our validation check that for some factsshops, seems to be missing in turnover * week 39 * salgsfil we receivedon tuesday - > * * acn-data-salg.txtthe file uploaded every day to our ftp server and we receive tuesday inthis week is the final and complete file.we are now in a situation where we cannot move forward in ourproduction until we have received the real facts turnover figures for week 39.according to troels problem solved for week 39 numbers, so we could get you toas soon as possible to send / upload a new acn-data-salg.txt * complete *?if it can facilitate the work and speeding up the process, we could well do withonly to get gensendtthe real facts week 39 numbers.
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