Samme år, som Michel Angelo døde I Rom, fødtes William Shakespeare I Stratford on Avon. Den største kunstner i den italienske renæssance, han som frembragte loftsbillederne i det Sixtinske Kapel, erstattedes ligesom med den engelske renæssances største kunster, ham, som skrev Kong Lear.
Døden ramte Shakespeare i hans fødeby samme dag som Cervantes døde i Madrid. Den spanske og den engelske renæssances to største menneskeskabere, Don Quixotes og Hamlets, Sancho Pansa´s og Falstaffs ophavsmænd, reves bort på én dag. Michel Angelo har fremstillet mægtige og lidende helte og heltinder i ensom vælde. Ingen italiener er ham lig i sorgfuld lyrik og tragisk storhed.
Cervantes ypperste skikkelser står som mindesmærker om en humor så høj, at den i verdenslitteraturen har gjort epoke. Ingen spanier har været ham lig i typeformede, komisk kraft.
Shakespeare har nået Michel Angelo i patos og Cervantes i humor. Allerede dette giver en art mål for højden og omfanget af hans geni. Det er tre hundrede år siden, at dette geni brød frem i sin fulde oprindelighed og dog sysselsætter han endnu Europa som en samtidig. Hans dramaer spilles og læses overalt så vidt civilisationen rækker. Stærkest fængsler han måske den, der af naturen er således indrettet, at han frem for alt lokkes og gribes af det menneskevæsen, der skjuler og åbenbarer sig i en stor kunstners værk. ”Jeg slipper dig ikke, før du har røbet mig dit væsens hemmelighed” er det ord, der kommer en sådan læser af Shakespeare på læben. Han føler sig over for værkerne i deres sandsynlige rækkefølge og livsværket i dets helhed tvungen til at forme sig en forestilling om det sjæleliv, der har givet sig udtryk deri.
Resultater (
Engelsk) 1:
The same year, as Michel Angelo died in Rome, was born William Shakespeare in Stratford on Avon. The greatest artist of the Italian Renaissance, he who brought forth the images of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, replaced like with the English Renaissance's greatest artist, him who wrote King Lear. The death hit his hometown in Shakespeare on the same day as Cervantes died in Madrid. The Spanish and the English Renaissance two largest menneskeskabere, Don Quixotes and Sancho Pansa ´ s, Hamlets and Falstaffs authors, reves away in one day. Michel Angelo have made mighty and suffering heroes and heroines in lonely Gush. No Italian is equal to him in sorrowful lyricism and tragic grandeur. Cervantes ultimate figures stand as memorials of a humor so high that it in world literature have made epoch. No Spaniard has been him equal in type shaped, comical effect. Shakespeare has reached Michel Angelo in pathos and Cervantes in humor. Already this gives a kind of measure of the height and extent of his genius. It is three hundred years ago, that this genius broke forward in its full originality and yet he still puts Europe as a Reeve at the same time. His dramas are played and read everywhere as far as civilization rows. Most prisons he maybe the that of nature is so arranged that he cajoled and, above all, is apprehended by the human being who conceals and reveals itself in a great artist's work. "I release you until you have betrayed me your Office's secret" is the word that originates such a reader of Shakespeare on your face. He feels towards the works in their likely order and plant life in its entirety forced to shaping up an idea of the sjæleliv, who have made themselves reflected therein.
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 2:
The same year that Michelangelo died in Rome, born William Shakespeare in Stratford on Avon. The greatest artist of the Italian Renaissance, he who produced ceiling pictures in the Sistine Chapel, was replaced as with English Renaissance greatest artist, the guy who wrote King Lear.
Death hit Shakespeare in his native city the same day as Cervantes died in Madrid. The Spanish and English Renaissance's two largest human creators, Don Quixote and Hamlet, Sancho Pansa's and Falstaff's authors, taken away in one day. Michelangelo has made mighty and suffering heroes and heroines in solitary overwhelm. No Italian is like him in sorrowful poetry and tragic grandeur.
Cervantes chief figures stand as memorials of a humor so high that the world literature has made epoch. No Spaniard has been his equal in type shaped, comical effect.
Shakespeare has reached Michelangelo in pathos and Cervantes in humor. Already this gives a kind of measure of the height and extent of his genius. This is three hundred years ago, this genius burst forth in its full originality and yet sysselsætter he even Europe as a while. His dramas are played and read anywhere as far as civilization goes. Strongest prisons he perhaps the one of nature is so arranged that he above all cajoled and grasped by the human being who hides and reveals itself in a great artist's work. "I will not let you until you have betrayed me your being secret" is the word that comes such a reader of Shakespeare on the lip. He feels himself to pieces in their likely order and life's work in its entirety forced to conform to an idea of the mental life that has been expressed therein.
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 3:
the same year, as michel angelo died in rome, was born william shakespeare of stratford on avon. the greatest artist of the italian renaissance, he produced loftsbillederne in the sistine chapel, and was replaced with the english renæssances greatest tricks him, who wrote the king lear.death hit shakespeare in his hometown the same day as cervantes died in madrid. the spanish and english renæssances two largest menneskeskabere, don quixotes and hamlets, sancho pansa´s and falstaffs authors, reves away in one day. michel angelo has produced great and long suffering heroes and heroines in lonely glory. no italian has him body in sorrowful poetry and tragic greatness.cervantes ultimate figures stand as monuments on a sense of humor so high that it has made in verdenslitteraturen era. no spaniard has been him body in typeformede, comical effect.shakespeare has reached michel angelo in pathos and cervantes in humor. this already gives a nature objective for the height and extent of his genius. it was three hundred years ago, this genius burst forth in its full oprindelighed and yet sysselsætter he yet europe as a while. his dramas are played and read everywhere so far civilization ranks. he may be the strongest prisons, which by nature is so arranged that he, above all, be lured and approached the menneskevæsen which conceals and reveals itself in a great artist's work. "i won't let you go until you told me your body's secret" is the word, there will be such a reader of shakespeare on the lip. he feels for the plants in their probable order and livsværket in its entirety forced to shape an idea of the spiritual life, which has been reflected therein.
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