Sanders er stærkt utilfreds og benytter sin mulighed ved talen til at  oversættelse - Sanders er stærkt utilfreds og benytter sin mulighed ved talen til at  Engelsk Sådan siger

Sanders er stærkt utilfreds og beny

Sanders er stærkt utilfreds og benytter sin mulighed ved talen til at søge støtte hos publikum, og igen især hos studenterne. Han ønsker at den nye generation skal være klar over hvilke udfordringer det skaber for et samfund at være styret af oligarchy and demagogues. Befolkningen er ikke velorienteret omkring hvilke problemer det kan have for nationens fremtidige velfærd.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
Sanders is strongly dissatisfied and use its possibility of speech to seek support from the audience, and again especially among students. He wishes that the new generation should be aware of the challenges it creates for a society to be governed by oligarchy and demagogues. The population is not well informed about what problems it may have for the nation's future prosperity.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
Sanders is deeply dissatisfied and uses his opportunity to seek support from the audience, and again especially with the students. He wants the new generation to be aware of what challenges it creates for a society to be ruled by the oligarchy and demagogues. The population is not well informed about what problems it may have for the future welfare of the nation.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
Sanders is deeply dissatisfied and uses his opportunity to speak to seek support from the public, and again especially from students. He wants the new generation to be aware of the challenges that being governed by oligarchy and demagogues poses for a society. The population is not well-informed about the problems it may have for the future welfare of the nation.<br>
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