- To iværksættere som lavede en reklame hvori de lavede ekstrem sport, for at bekæmpe kedesomheden. I 2012 om de ud med produkter til AArrow, some r fordelt på 18 amerikanske byer.
-Two entrepreneurs who made an advertisement in which they made extreme sports, in order to combat kedesomheden. In 2012 if they out with products for AArrow, some r distributed in 18 American cities.
- Two entrepreneurs who made an advertisement in which they made extreme sports, to fight off company. In 2012 on the out with products for AArrow, some r in 18 US cities.
two entrepreneurs, as did a commercial in which they were doing extreme sports, to combat kedesomheden. in 2012 on the basis of products for aarrow, some r by 18 us cities.