Denne opgave undersøger hvilke virkninger kokain har på centralnervesy oversættelse - Denne opgave undersøger hvilke virkninger kokain har på centralnervesy Engelsk Sådan siger

Denne opgave undersøger hvilke virk

Denne opgave undersøger hvilke virkninger kokain har på centralnervesystemet (CNS). Det er forklaret hvilke neurologiske reaktioner der opstår momentant og ved længere tids anvendelse af rusmidlet.
Denne opgave indeholder også en analyse af den danske roman Nordkraft, som er skrevet af Jakob Ejersbo i 2002. I analysen ligges der fokus på den særlige realisme, komposition, miljø, personskildring, miljø samt sprog og stil.
Based on in-depth investigation it is possible to conclude that tolerancen overfor kokain opstår, fordi hyppig brug af kokain undertrykker dele af belønningssystemet via aktiveringen af transkriptionsfaktoren, CREB.
Årsagen til at trangen efter kokain igen kan opstå hos tidligere misbrugere af stoffet, skyldes derimod transkriptionsfaktoren ∆-FosB. Derudover kan det konkluderes, at store mængder af kokain kan give fysiske og psykiske lidelser, hvilket afspejles i romanen Nordkraft.
Based on this observation it is concluded that Nordkraft giver en realistisk, virkelig, og objektiv skildring af narkomiljøet. Romanen er derfor velfungerende til, at oplyse omkring misbrug og de konsekvenser misbrug af euforiserende stoffer har.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
This task examines the impact cocaine has on the central nervous system (CNS). It is explained what are the neurological reactions that occur momentarily and by prolonged use of the drug. This task also includes an analysis of the Danish novel nordkraft, which is written by Jakob Ejersbo in 2002. In the analysis posted the special focus is on realism, composition, environmental, personal picture, environmental as well as language and style.Based on in-depth investigation it is possible two conclude that tolerance opposite cocaine occurs because frequent use of cocaine suppresses parts of reward system via the activation of CREB, transkriptionsfaktoren. The reason for that craving for cocaine again can occur with former abusers of the drug, on the other hand, transkriptionsfaktoren is due to ∆-FosB. In addition, it can be concluded that large quantities of cocaine may cause physical and mental disorders, which is reflected in the novel Northern force. Based on this observation, it is concluded that Northern force gives a realistic, really, and objective portrayal of drug environment. Therefore, the novel is functioning to inform about abuse and the consequences of abuse of narcotic drugs.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
This task examines the effects of cocaine on the central nervous system (CNS). It explained the neurological reactions that occur momentarily and by prolonged use of the intoxicant.
This task also includes an analysis of the Danish novel Nordkraft, written by Jakob Ejersbo in 2002. In the analysis ligges focus on the particular realism, composition, environment, person portrayal, environment, language and style.
Based on in-depth investigation it is possible two the conclude att tolerance to cocaine occurs because the frequent use of cocaine suppresses parts of the reward system through the activation of the transcription factor CREB.
The reason for the craving for cocaine again may occur in former users of the drug, due to contrast transcription factor Δ-FosB. In addition, it can be concluded that large amounts of cocaine can cause physical and mental disorders, which is reflected in the novel Nordkraft.
Based on this observation it is konkluderede att Nordkraft provides a realistic, real and objective portrayal of the drug environment. The novel is functioning to provide information about abuse and the consequences of abuse of narcotic substances.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
this paper examines the effects of cocaine on the central nervous system (cns). it is explained the neurological reactions there occurs an instantaneous and by prolonged use of rusmidlet.
this task also includes analysis of the danish novel nordkraft, written by jakob ejersbo in 2002. artificially produced in the analysis focus on the special realism, composition, environment, personskildring,environment and language and style. based on in - depth investigation it is possible that two conclude tolerance to cocaine arise because of frequent use of cocaine suppresses parts of the reward pathway via the activation of transkriptionsfaktoren, creb. * the reason craving for cocaine again can occur in former users of the substance, is due to the transkriptionsfaktoren ∆ - addition, it can be concluded that large quantities of cocaine can cause physical and mental illness, which is reflected in the novel nordkraft. and based on this observation, it is concluded that nordkraft gives a realistic, real and objective portrayal of the islands. the novel is therefore functioning to inform about the abuse and the consequences of the abuse of drugs.
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