Denne ordre mm08a1c5i16 er blevet faktureret den 29-04-2016, men regnskabsgrundlag bliver ikke videreført til betalingsinfo, så kunden er ikke blevet trukket endnu.
Mm08a1c5i16 this order has been invoiced on 29-04-2016, but accounting basis will not be passed on to the payment info, so that the customer has not been drawn yet.
This order mm08a1c5i16 have been billed on 29-04-2016, but accounting basis will not be pursued for payment info, so the customer has not been drawn yet.
this order mm08a1c5i16 invoiced the 29 04 - 2016, but regnskabsgrundlag is not continued to betalingsinfo, so that the customer has not been drawn yet.