OvervågningskameraetI Ridley Scotts Thelma & Louise (1991) finder vi e oversættelse - OvervågningskameraetI Ridley Scotts Thelma & Louise (1991) finder vi e Engelsk Sådan siger

OvervågningskameraetI Ridley Scotts

I Ridley Scotts Thelma & Louise (1991) finder vi en sekvens, hvor Thelma (Geena Davies) for første gang begår et røveri i en butik. Hun skynder sig tilbage til bilen, hopper ind og råber til Louise (Susan Sarandon), at hun skal køre. Louise får sat fart i bilen og kan i sin forbløffelse dårligt tro, at Thelma har røvet butikken. Louise spørger hende, hvordan hun gjorde. Thelma begynder at forklare, og i samme øjeblik klippes der til overvågningskameraets billede, hvor Thelma med en pistol i hånden beder folk om at forholde sig i ro og lægge sig ned på gulvet.

Denne scene fører os tilbage til røveriet få minutter før, som vi, tilskuerne, ikke har set, idet vi blev hos Louise i bilen, mens røveriet fandt sted. Vi oplever således et flashback. Men Ridley Scott bruger det samme billede til at føre os et skridt videre ind i fortællingens fremtid. Dermed fungerer scenen i overvågningskameraet både som flashbackog flashforward. Det billede, som vi i første omgang ser som etflashback — en subjektiv fremstilling af Thelmas narrative erindring om røveriet — bliver i næste øjeblik til en videooptagelse, der betragtes af politiet og af Thelmas mand på en tv-skærm, hvilket sker, kronologisk set, i fremtiden.

Lad os nu se på begivenheden, som den skete i selve plottets virkelighed, og derefter sammenligne den med, hvordan den er fremstillet i filmen. Efter at være blevet berøvet af J.D. (Brad Pritt) stopper Thelma og Louise op foran butikken, Thelma går ind i butikken, trækker sin pistol og beder alle om at være afslappede og samarbejdsvillige. Hun tager pengene og en flaske whisky, løber ud af butikken, springer ind i bilen, og de kører væk. Louise ved intet om røveriet, så hun spørger "hvad skete der?", og Thelma fortæller om røveriet. Der var et overvågningskamera i butikken, som har optaget det hele. Butiksejeren kontakter politiet, som ankommer til gerningsstedet, tjekker overvågningskameraet, finder båndet frem og leverer det til de betjente, som tager sig af sagen om Thelma og Louise.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
Surveillance cameraIn Ridley Scott's Thelma & Louise (1991), we find a sequence where Thelma (Geena Davis) for the first time commits a robbery at a store. She hurries back to the car, jumps in and shouts to Louise (Susan Sarandon), that she should run. Louise gets set off in the car and can in his amazement bad faith that Thelma has robbed the store. Louise asks her how she was doing. Thelma begins to explain, and in the same moment is cut to surveillance camera's image, where Thelma with a gun in his hand asks people to behave calmly and lie down on the floor.This scene brings us back to the robbery minutes before, as we, the audience, have not seen, because we stayed with Louise in the car, while the robbery took place. We are experiencing a flashback. But Ridley Scott uses the same image to lead us one step further into the story's future. Thus works the scene in the surveillance camera as both flashbackog Flashforward. The image that we initially see as etflashback — a subjective manufacture of H2o narrative memory of the robbery — will be in the next moment to a video recording, which is considered by the police and by Dennis man on a tv screen, which happens, chronologically, in the future. Let us now look at the event as it happened in the plottets reality, and then compare it to how it is made in the film. After being deprived of J.D. (Brad Pritt) stops the Thelma and Louise up in front of the shop, Thelma walks into the store, pulls his gun and asks everyone to be relaxed and cooperative. She takes the money and a bottle of whisky, runs out of the store, jumps into the car, and they run away. Louise know nothing about the robbery, so she asks "what happened?", and Thelma tells about the robbery. There was a surveillance camera in the store, which has absorbed it all. Shop owner contacts the police arriving at the scene of the crime, checking security camera, find the tape forward and delivers it to the cops, who takes care of the matter of Thelma and Louise.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
Surveillance camera
in Ridley Scott's Thelma & Louise (1991), we find a sequence where Thelma (Geena Davies) for the first time commits a robbery at a store. She hurries back to the car, jump in and yells at Louise (Susan Sarandon), that she should run. Louise gets set off in the car and in his amazement bad faith that Thelma has robbed the store. Louise asks her how she did. Thelma begins to explain, and as soon cut the surveillance camera image where Thelma with a gun in his hand asks people to keep quiet and lie down on the floor. This scene takes us back to the robbery a few minutes before that we , the spectators have not seen since we stayed with Louise in the car while the robbery took place. We thus experience a flashback. But Ridley Scott uses the same image to bring us a step further into the story's future. Thus acting scene in surveillance camera both as flashbackog flashforward. The image we initially see as etflashback - subjective manufacture of Thelma narrative recollection of the robbery - is the next moment to a video recording which is considered by the police and by Thelma's husband on a TV screen, which is done chronologically, in the future. Let us now look at the event as it happened in the plot's reality, and then compare it to how it is made ​​in the film. After being robbed of JD (Brad Pritt) stops Thelma and Louise in front of the store, Thelma walk into the store, pulls out his gun and ask everyone to be relaxed and cooperative. She takes the money and a bottle of whiskey, runs out of the store, jump into your car and drive away. Louise knows nothing about the robbery, so she asks "what happened?", And Thelma tells about the robbery. There was a surveillance camera in the store that has included everything. Shop owner contacts the police arriving at the crime scene, checking surveillance camera, the tape forward and deliver it to the officers dealing with the case of Thelma and Louise.

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