var da jeg så ruinen fra det gamle men bragt fulde slot

var da jeg så ruinen fra det gamle

var da jeg så ruinen fra det gamle men bragt fulde slot "Marias slot", det var det mest spændene jeg har oplevet, at gå i de forladte gange, hvor det siges at droning Marias spøgelse stadig hjemsøger gangene. På et tidspunkt kom jeg væk fra min følges ven og imens jeg går i de kolde gange får jeg pludselig et skub i ryggen og vender mig om og ser en hvid skikkelse af en fin dame, men hun forsvinder ligeså hurtigt, som hun var kommet. Det er den oplevelse der gør, at jeg nu tror på ånder og, at der er mere mellem himmel og jord.

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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
was when I saw the ruins from the ancient but brought full slot "Mary's Castle", it was the most exciting I have seen go in the abandoned times, where it is said that Queen Mary's Ghost still haunts the hallways. At one point I came away from my followed a friend and while I go in the cold times do I get suddenly a push in the back and turns me on and see a white person of a fine Lady, but she disappears just as quickly as she had come. It is the experience that makes that I now believe in spirits and that there is more between heaven and Earth.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 2:[Kopi]
was when I saw the ruins from the ancient but brought full slot "Mary's Castle", it was the most exciting I have experienced, going into the abandoned times, where it is said that droning Mary's ghost still haunts the corridors. At one point I came away from my followed friend and while I walk in the cold times I suddenly a push in the back and turn around and see a white figure of a fine lady, but she disappears just as quickly as she had come. It is the experience that makes that I now believe in spirits and that there is more between heaven and earth.

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Resultater (Engelsk) 3:[Kopi]
was when i saw the stones from the old but brought full castle "maria's castle", it was the most fun i've had to go to the abandoned times, where it is said that queen maria's ghost still haunts the halls. at one point, i came away from my is friend and while i'm in the cold times, suddenly, i get a push in the back, and i turn around and see a white figure of a lady, but she disappears as soon as she had come. it is the experience which i now believe in spirits and that there are more things in heaven and earth.
bliver oversat, vent venligst..
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