”Døden er et emne, der bliver undgået, ignoreret og fornægtet i vores moderne samfund”, siger Pete Larsson i sin nyligt udkomne og overordentligt populære bog om emnet.
Nu om dage ser de fleste på døden som blot endnu en smitsom sygdom, der skal overvindes. Men faktisk er døden helt sikkert uundgåelig. Vi skal alle dø; det er kun et spørgsmål om tid.
For de fleste af os foregår døden på hospitaler, bag lukkede døre, for ikke at forstyrre de levende.
Døden ses typisk som noget, der skal undgås for enhver pris. Så stærk er vores kulturelt bestemte aversion mod døden, at Dr. Pete Larsson, kirurg ved Yale New Haven Hospital, siger, at det ikke er ualmindeligt selv for en læge at gennemgå en fuld medicinsk uddannelse uden nogensinde at stå ansigt til ansigt med et dødsfald.
Selve dødsøjeblikket bliver det som regel overladt til sygeplejerskerne og plejepersonalet at tage sig af, siger han.
I sin opsigtsvækkende bog råder Pete Larsson os til at forsøge at overvinde vores irrationelle frygt for døden ved at prøve at begynde at se døden som en god ven. Larsson fortæller at “hvis man langsomt kan begynde at se døden som en usynlig, men venlig, ledsager i sit liv - en ven, der varsomt minder en om, at man ikke skal vente til i morgen med at gøre det, man har lyst til at gøre - så kan man muligvis lære at leve sit liv, i stedet for bevidstløst at passere gennem det.”
Resultater (
Engelsk) 1:
"Death is a topic that will be shunned, ignored and denied in our modern society," says Pete Larsson in his recently released and extremely popular book on the subject. Now a days looks most at death as just another contagious disease that must be overcome. But in fact death certainly inevitable. We must all die; It is only a matter of time. For most of us going on death in hospitals, behind closed doors, so as not to disturb the living. Death typically seen as something to be avoided at all costs. So strong is our culturally specific aversion to death that Dr. Pete Larsson, surgeon at Yale New Haven Hospital, says that it is not uncommon even for a doctor to undergo a full medical training without ever come face to face with a death. The actual death moment, it is usually left to the nurses and care staff to take care of, he says. In his sensational book advises Pete Larsson us to try to overcome our irrational fear of death by trying to start to see death as a good friend. Larsson says that "If you can slowly start to see death as an invisible, but friendly, companion in his life-a friend, who gently reminds one of that one does not have to wait until tomorrow to do it you want to do-so can we possibly learn to live his life, instead of unconscious to pass through it. "
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 2:
"Death is a topic that is avoided, ignored and denied in our modern society," says Pete Larsson in his recent and extremely popular book on the subject.
Nowadays, the majority of death as just another contagious disease to be overcome. But actually, death is certainly inevitable. We must all die; it is only a matter of time.
For most of us takes death in hospitals, behind closed doors, not to disturb the living. Death is typically seen as something to be avoided at all costs. So strong is our culturally determined aversion to death that Dr. Pete Larsson, surgeon at Yale New Haven Hospital, says it is not uncommon even for a doctor to undergo a full medical education without ever coming face to face with death . the actual moment of death becomes usually left to the nurses and caregivers to take care of, he says. In his remarkable book has Pete Larsson us to try to overcome our irrational fear of death by trying to begin to see death as a good friend . Larsson says that "if you can slowly begin to see death as an invisible but friendly companion in his life - a friend who gently reminds one of that one must not wait for tomorrow to do what you want to do - then you can possibly learn to live his life, instead of mindlessly pass through it. "
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 3:
"death is a topic being avoided, ignored and denied in our modern society," says pete larsson in its recent and extremely popular book on the subject.nowadays most of death as just another infectious disease that must be overcome. but in fact, death is definitely inevitable. we"re all going to die; it is only a matter of time.for most of us is death in hospitals, behind closed doors, not to disturb the living.death typically seen as something to be avoided at all costs. so strong is our culturally determined aversion to death that dr. pete larsson, a surgeon at yale new haven hospital, says it is not uncommon even for a doctor to undergo a full medical education without ever being face to face with a death.the moment of death is usually left to the nurses and caregivers to take care of, he says.in its spectacular book has pete larsson"s to try to overcome our irrational fear of death to try to begin to see death as a good friend. larsson says, "if you can slowly start to see death as an invisible but friendly, companion in his life, a friend who gently remind you that you should not wait till tomorrow to do what you want to do - then you can potentially learn to live his life in instead of unconsciously to pass through it."
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