5. Du vil sædvanligvis opdage, at han har nævnt en person, som han stadig er i forbindelse med! Så du spørger ham, om han vil håndtere eller afbryde forbindelsen. Da gnisterne virkelig vil flyve i hans liv, hvis han på dramatisk vis afbryder forbindelsen, og hvis han ikke kan se, hvordan han kan gøre det, overtaler du ham til at påbegynde en håndtering på en gradientskala. Dette kan bestå i at pålægge ham en smule disciplin, såsom at forlange af ham, at han faktisk besvarer sine breve eller skriver et brev til personen holdt i stilen "solen skinner, og jeg har det godt" eller realistisk ser på, hvordan han har stødt dem fra sig. Kort sagt, det der behøves i håndteringen, er en lav gradient. Alt, hvad du prøver at gøre, er at få den PTSè person fra effekt over til let, blid årsag.
Resultater (
Engelsk) 1:
5. You will usually discover that he has referred to a person, which he is still associated with! So you ask him whether he will handle or disconnect. When the Sparks will really fly in his life if he dramatically closes the connection, and if he cannot see how he can do it, persuades you him to commence a handling on a gradient scale. This may be to impose on him a bit of discipline, such as demanding of him that he actually replying to his letters or write a letter to the person kept in style "the Sun is shining, and I feel good" or realistic looks at how he has encountered them from it. in short, it is necessary in the handling, is a low gradient. Everything you're trying to do is to get the PTSè person from the power over to the easy, gentle reason.
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 2:
5. You will usually find that he has mentioned a person, which he is still associated with! So you ask him if he would handle or disconnect. As the sparks really fly in his life if he dramatically disconnects, and if he can not see how he can do it persuades you get him to start handling a gradientskala. This may be to impose on him a little discipline, such as to require him to actually answer his letters or writing a letter to the person in the architectural style "sun is shining and I feel good" or realistic look at how he has driven them away. In short, what is needed in handling, a low gradient. Anything you try to do is get the PTSè person from the power of the light, gentle cause.
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Resultater (
Engelsk) 3:
5. You will usually find that he has referred to a person, as he is still in connection with! So you ask him whether he will handle or disconnect. When the sparks will really fly in his life if he dramatically interrupts the connection, and if he cannot see how he can do it, you persuade him to start a handling on a gradientskala.This would be to impose on him a little discipline, such as to require of him that he actually answer his letters or write a letter to the person held in style "the sun is shining, and I have the good" or realistic look at how he has offended them. In short, it is needed in management, is a low gradient. Depending on what you're trying to do,Is to get the person from PTSè power to light, gentle reason.
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